Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Patricj Costello

The How and the Tao of Folk Guitar: Volume One


Don’t get me wrong, I love the banjo. The banjo was the first instrument I played well, the first instrument I played in public and it is the instrument I am most associated with in the imaginations of my students around the world – but in spite of that the guitar has always been my true love.

Of everything I have ever written I think The How and the Tao of Folk Guitar comes closest to capturing the sense of wide-eyed wonder that my teachers instilled in me. Not just for the guitar, but for music and the world around me. Sandwiched in with lessons on chords and scales are encounters with people like Pastor Charlie, Harmonica Joe, The guy who taught me chord inversions and the gal who made me want to grow up to play the guitar. Individually those stories each have some sort of...

Los enlaces publicados en La Biblioteca de la Guitarra solo tienen un fin educativo y de difusión, no comercial. Si algún compositor, intérprete o empresa, por cualquier motivo, considera que un archivo que aparece en este canal vulnera los derechos de autor, infórmenos y se eliminará.

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