Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Thomas Robinson (Inglaterra, 1560-1610)

The schoole of musicke: where is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the lute (1603). Facsímil

Robinson Thomas • The schoole of musicke : where is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the lute,Pandora, Orpharion, and viol de gamba …

Newly composed by Thomas Robinson, Lutenist. London : Printed by Tho.Este, for Simon Waterson, dweling at the signe of the Crown in Paules church-yard. 1603

The schoole of musicke where is taught, the perfect method, of true fingering of the...

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