Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Robert Eric Toft

Sixteenth centuary accidentals and ornamentation in selected motets of Josquin. Desprez: a comparative study of the printed intabulations with the vocal sources

One of the major problems in Renaissance music scholarship has been to establish a precise understanding of the structure and development of pretonal polyphony. Scholars working toward this end have long been plagued by the ambiguities of pitch notation in the sources of vocal music from this period. Tablatures,owingto the nature of the notation, are the only Renaissance sources of polyphony which specify all pitches unambiguously. An examination of these sources, coupled with a reconstruction of the theoretical framework surrounding the incorporation of chromatic signs, is essential if one is to fully ascertain the details of pitch content and modal procedure operative during the...

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