Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Gabriel Furtado

The progresion of Villa-Lobos compositional style from the Suite Popular Brasileiro to the Doze Estudos

"...What has been said about understanding Villa-Lobos within his own cultural context can be said of many composers of the last hundred years. Composers from Bartók to Rodrigo to Ginastera have fashioned musical material from folk tradition as well as the western canon. However, of the composers that have looked towards the folk for inspiration, Villa-Lobos is one of the few to write extensively for the guitar. It is his particular importance to the repertoire of this instrument that demands special interest from the music scholar. Like Villa-Lobos’ music, the guitar traverses the space between folk music and art music. It has arguably become the most popular instrument in world, becoming incorporated in a vast array of musical traditions. As Victor Anand Coelho writes, “the guitar and its development comprise multiple histories, each characterized by distinct styles, playing techniques, repertories, and socio-cultural...

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