Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Christopher Norman / Vladimir Grozman

An Algorithm for Optimal Guitar Fingering

 12 2

Almost  every  note  on  the  guitar  can  be  played  in  several  different locations, using one of several fingers. The number of ways a musical piece can be played therefore grows exponentially with the number of notes in the piece. Several things influence a guitar player’s choice of fingering.  This  study  focuses  on  the  biomechanical  difficulty,  using dynamic  programming  and  a  rule-based  cost  function  to  find  the fingering that is easiest  to play. The rules were mostly proposed by Mårten  Falk,  a  guitar  teacher  at  Lilla  Akademien.  The  algorithm  is limited to monophonic music. It was evaluated by Anders Eriksson, a guitar teacher at Lidingö Music School, on five classical music pieces. The  produced  fingerings  were  fully  playable,  though  a  few  oddities were  present,  mostly  stemming  from  the  algorithm’s  shortsightedness:  only  adjacent  notes  were  considered  by  the  cost function.

 School of Computer Science and Communication (CSC).

Identifiers URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-134959OAI: diva2:668903

An Algorithm for Optimal Guitar Fingering



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