Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Orlando Fraga

Phrase Structure and Linear Progression in Villa-Lobos Preludes 1, ,2 and 5 for Guitar

(...While much of Villa-Lobos’s music is relatively easy to apprehend in terms of “standard” tonal practice, certain aspects of his music seem to defy easy explanation. Phrase structure, linear-motion, and hypermetrical organization are among them. Several analytical studies of Villa-Lobos’ guitar music have been undertaken; however, none appear to deal specifically with these subjects. For their fairly defined melodic contours, all five Preludes are adequate for phrase structure analysis. However, not all of them qualify for a linear-motion approach in the more strict Schenkerian...

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