Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Jens Larsen

Gilad Hekselman - This is The Blues (and a lot more)

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Gilad Hekselman is quickly becoming one of the most influential jazz guitarists on the scene. This video is taking a look at some phrases from his solo on the F Blues "When Will The Blues Leave" off his debut album Split life. The phrases show cases Gilad Hekselmans command of the instrument, his incredible ideas with rhythms and also some awesome reharmonizations of the 12 bar blues that can help you develop solos over more choruses. The video goes over a few different ways to interpret the chords but also discusses how Gilad has a very effective way of playing over these other changes. If you want to check out the cd you can purchase it here (You won't regret it..): The Cd features Ari Hoenig and Joe Martin on Drums and Bass


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