Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Chick Corea

Spain (Jake Reichbart, guitarra eléctrica)

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I am really conflicted about this “arrangement“. There used to be a time when I put a lot of effort into creating sophisticated arrangements, each with its own unique voicings, fingerings and passages, sometimes reflecting their original, other times changing it completely but whatever the case, there was real time and effort involved. Those days are pretty much gone, as I am older, caring for a family and too busy. Specifically, as it relates to Spain, this tune has been on my list for a good 20 years to try and make something special out of it, I started several times over the years only to get distracted.

Spain is an instrumental jazz fusion composition by jazz pianist and composer Chick Corea. It is likely Corea's most recognized piece, and is considered a jazz standard.

All my video guitar lessons are now also available as downloads; simply email for all the info and just write "Guitar Lessons", or similar, in the subject line!

Los enlaces publicados en La Biblioteca de la Guitarra solo tienen un fin educativo y de difusión, no comercial. Si algún compositor, intérprete o empresa, por cualquier motivo, considera que un archivo que aparece en este canal vulnera los derechos de autor, infórmenos y se eliminará.

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