Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Desconocido

Stranglehold (Motor City Mayhem) Ted Nugent, guitarra eléctrica

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On July 4th 2008 Ted Nugent celebrated Independence Day as only he could with a concert in his home city of Detroit that marked the 6000th live performance of his remarkable career. From the opening that sees the Nuge perform the US National Anthem in front of a military line-up and joined by a girl leaping out of a cake clad in a stars and stripes bikini, the party never stops with Nugent classics and cherished cover versions delighting a huge and enthusiastic crowd. Ted Nugent is unique, a truly larger than life character and a wonderful guitarist. What better way to enjoy Independence Day!



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