Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Pete Martin

Easy Music Theory for Fiddle and Mandolin

The books are PDF files and are free to download and use.  If you like the books I ask you to send or Paypal me $10.00 for each book.  Information for doing this is on the first page of each book.  Feel free to pass these on or tell others about this download site.

Have  you  ever  needed  to  play  a  familiar  song  in  a  different  key? Have you ever wanted to play your favorite fiddle or mandolin tune a little differently than you have in the past? Do you wantto play your mandolin or fiddle with a friend who plays guitar and sings? Have you heard a song but did  not  know  how to  figure  out  the  chords?   When  you  understand ...

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