Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Robert de Visée (1665-1733)

Preludio (en 4 versiones)

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This video completes my article "Robert de Visée's corpus: a stylistic tutor", issued in Quarterly, journal of the Lute Society of America, fall 2012. Based on the five existing manuscripts, these four versions display some aspects of the musical and instrumental flexibility offered by this music - the most obvious example being the absence of the last part in Claire Antonini's setting, an absolutely legitimous choice, as two manuscripts excluded it, while another offered a shortened variant of it.
Here in Dm key, the guitar setting could also be in Em, and I'd be wise to offer another theorbo version in one or two years, this one having been recorded with only 8 months of tackling the instrument.
This prelude bears the code R0.15 in my "Table of Concordances". The LSA article and the tablatures is now available at the de Visée page of my website



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