Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: David Dolata

Visual and poetic allegory in Bellerofonte Castaldi’s extraordinary Capricci a due stromenti

Best known as a volume of virtuoso music for theorbo, Bellerofonte Castaldi’s Capricci a due stromenti (1622) is an extraordinary publication designed to exhibit the author’s wide-ranging talents as a composer, graphic artist and poet. It unites Castaldi’s sophisticated yet lyrical instrumental music and charming dance-songs with allegorical engravings and poetry of the highest order. Notated in Italian lute tablature, Castaldi’s eclectic compositions for solo theorbo include popular dance-forms like the corrente and galliard, fantasias, writtenout sectional improvisations and single-movement...

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