Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Jeffrey Bowen

Tristan Murail' s Tellur: A Piece of Spectral Music and an Exploration of Compositional Possibilities for the Classical Guitar

It would be easy for the music of Spectralist composers to be misinterpreted on account of the name given to their school of composition. The title “Spectralist” could bring to mind images of acoustic scientists peering at spectrograph read-outs of the harmonic spectra of different instruments, and then transcribing these spectra literally into the scores of their music, juxtaposing one aggregate of partials with another. This idea certainly captures an element of the Spectralist compositional process; nevertheless, to best understand the character of this branch of contemporary music, one must consider the larger developments in both twentieth-century compositional practices and acoustic technology which conceived...

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