Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Claudia Alonso Recarte

Jazz and blues - idiomatic mythography and mythopoeia in contemporary american culture

The object of this dissertation is to examine the mythopoeic intricacies involved in the representation of jazz in discursive forms ranging from fiction to non-fiction, from journalism to documentary film. I use Laurence Coupe‟s distinction between mythography and mythopoeia as the starting point. Coupe defines mythopoeia as those literary works “tending to create or re-create certain narratives which human beings take to be crucial to their understanding of their world” (2009: 4), or, in other words, “the capacity to produce myths and to provide a model of the...

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