The guitar transition to 6 strings
The guitar has always been a popular instrument with musicians, composers, and musiclovers/admirers. Its proportions have varied all along the years, sometimes with importantdifferences that have witnessed its evolution, but the characteristics defining it and making it identifiable at first sight remained constant: an ovoid body with a neck and a head equipped with strings called “choeurs” when doubled, and a fretted fingerboard to play the notes. Tablaturas, around the 1500s, much earlier than the “classic” score notation, have allowed groups of musicians to play together the same composition and favoured teaching and transmission. Between theRenaissance and the first half of the 18th century, few changes influenced the guitar construction. The guitar, similarly to the violin or the lute, is often made of a flat body, sometimes with a vaulted back, a neck adjusted to it. This operation of gluing was sometimes reinforced by one or more nails, except in Spain, generally remaining true to the so-called “archaic” set up – the ribs being set in the neck’s block and a flat top with a bracing closing the whole instrument. A glued bridge determined the diapason and the position of the mobile...
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