Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Ervin Somogyi

"La guitarra" A psychologist insight into Flamenco

This essay is about looking at some of flamenco's roots and lore -- specifically Federico Garcia Lorca's famous poem "La Guitarra" ("The Guitar") -- through the lens of modern psychological thought. "La Guitarra" is probably the best known poem on earth about the guitar or, for that matter, about any musical instrument. In Spain, particularly in Andalusia, this ode to the guitar is as well known as the Pledge of Allegiance is in the U.S. I've been a student of psychology for years: that bug bit me a long time ago even before I got bitten by the guitar making bug. I've faithfully maintained my interest in the former as I've sawn, sanded, glued, bent, shaved, braced, and clamped my way through my adult life as a luthier. While lutherie isn't particularly clinical nor touchy-feely, and psychology isn't concretely hands-on in the way that guitar making is, it nonetheless seems to me that these disciplines have something important in common: the possibility of getting amazing results based in a person's ability to grasp intangibles. Both of these fields, at their best, offer the possibility of functioning at the level of an art form. And for that reason I have found them, each in its own way, to be equally compelling. I've brought these two interests together in my writings from time to...

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