Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Damián Martín-Gil

Unraveling the Discussion entre les Carulistes et les Molinistes (Paris, 1828)

In 1828, the French guitarist Charles de Marescot published a small booklet called La Guitaromanie, a collection of pieces for the guitar. It includes a caricature, entitled Discussion entre les Carulistes et les Molinistes, in which two opposing bands of guitarists are engaged in a fierce fight. Although, several scholars have proposed a variety of possible motives for such a shocking image, this issue has never been subjected to close examination. The article analyses the veracity of the known theories, making for the first time a comparative study between the method books of both Ferdinando Carulli and Francesco Molino, in a search for answers to the famous...

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