Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Desconocido

Marcar Ome Per Folia (Cantigas de Santa Maria Alfonso El Sabio) / (Elizabeth Pallett, Gittern)

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Marcar Ome Per Folia Cantigas de Santa Maria Alfonso El Sabio c.1250 This cantiga tells the story of a sinful monk, who, one night fell into a river and drowned. His soul was seized by the Devil and cast into the fire of hell. The angels saw the act and quarrelled with the Devil over the dead monk's soul. The Devil said to the angels “Go on your way, for it is my right to have this soul, as he did evil works night and day at my behest and to please me.” The angels were about to depart when the soul of the monk was recovered by the Virgin. The Virgin returned his soul to his body. The next day, the monk was found alive in the cold river. Gittern by Bruce Brook (2023)

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