Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Ernst Gottlieb Baron (1696 - 1760)

Suite en Sol menor "the Brussels manuscript" (laúd barroco)

Since New Year 2013/2014 I have recorded approx. one piece per weekend of Ernst Gottlieb Baron's suite in g-minor from the Brussels manuscript. This is the fusion of following pieces: Allemande, Courante, Aria, Menuet-1, Sarabande, Menuet-2. In parallel I was reading his famous book "Historisch=Theoretisch und Practische Untersuchung des Instruments der Lauten" (Nürnberg, 1727) which teaches the origin of lute instruments and how to playing the instrument. We have to remember that Baron was trained by Silvius Leopold Weiss, so we may receive direct instruction from the Grand Master of the baroque lute. My performance is far from being perfect -- however it shows me how to improve it in the future. I would like to thank Rainer W. (Vienna) for his steady...

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