Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Desconocido

Early Romantic Guitar Publishing Practice

There was a vast amount of music written for guitar in the 19th century, but very little of it survives in print. Reams of material sit gathering dust in Europe’s libraries, and but for the efforts of a small number of publishers, we have access to only a small number of the guitarists, and usually only the most famous, except for occasional pieces by others.

Quality of 19th century music varies considerably, often due to profit-oriented publishers who gladly catered to the mass amateur market. Not unlike...

Los enlaces publicados en La Biblioteca de la Guitarra solo tienen un fin educativo y de difusión, no comercial. Si algún compositor, intérprete o empresa, por cualquier motivo, considera que un archivo que aparece en este canal vulnera los derechos de autor, infórmenos y se eliminará.

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