Blues improvisation recources. Analysis and applications in clinical improvisation
The blues is a style of music often used in clinical improvisation, but its potential implications have yet to be examined or researched by clinicians indetail. The aim of this project was to develop clinical improvisation resources based on the blues in order to open new avenues of thought about how the idiom is approached and implemented as an intervention, and to gain a deeper understanding of the genre as a whole. Supplemented by musicological and historical data, a musical analysis of the blues was conducted in the first person in order to derive notated pianistic improvisation resourcesin the form of a practice guide. The analysis involved two components: a non-positivistic (aural) analysis of blues recordings and a positivistic (structural) analysis of scores. The results generated six categories of blues resources, four of which were developed in this paper. The practice guides were constructed according to the results of the musical analysis and were supported by a discussion of the clinical implications of their respective musical elements. Thus, each resource chapter (4-7) contains 1) an aesthetic analysis, 2) a discussion of clinical implications, and 3)a practice guide. The study was meant to incorporate both theoretical and practical components so that therapists could refer to it for both academic and clinical...
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