From the two Ancient Greek words mélos(m°low= a song, or the music to which a song is set) and ode(”dÆ= ode, song, poem), the English word melodyseems to have three main meanings: [1] a monodic tonal sequence, accompanied or unaccompanied, perceived as a musical statement with distinct rhythmic profile and pitch contour; [2] the monodic musical foreground to which ACCOMPANIMENT(see p.17ff.) and HARMONY(see Tagg’s Harmony Handout) are, at least within most popularmusic traditions of Europe and the Americas, understood as providing the background; [3] all such monodic tonal sequences and/or aspects of musical foreground within one complete song (e.g. ‘Auld Lang Syneis a popular Scottish melody’). It should be noted in the latter case that mélodie, Melodie, melodia, melodi(French, German, Latin and Scandinavian languages respectively) can in popular arlance sometimes denote the entirety of any TUNEor SONG(including lyrics and accompaniment) in which melody, defined according to [1] and [2] above, is a prominent...
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