Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: John Griffiths

Strategies for the recovery of guitar: Music of the early seventeenth century

J. Griffiths. Rime e suoni alla spagnola. Atti della giornata internazionale dei studi sulla chitarra barocca. Ed Giulia Veneziano. Secoli d’oro – Comparatistica, 33. Florence: Alinea Editrice, 2003. 59-81.

The notation of guitar music in the early seventeenth century was often little more than an aide memoire. This study seeks to establish some guidelines for the reconstruction of the music enclosed in these sources including the manuscripts in the Biblioteca Riccardiana in Florence. This can be achieved through using concordant solo songs or vocal polyphony, common harmonic schemes, and melodies derived from later...

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