Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: J. Scott Matejicka

The guitarist´s studio: Performance practique

Performance practice begins well before the first note of a piece is played; it begins even before one steps foot on stage.  As a performance nears, one must mentally prepare to share his art.  During each regular practice session, set aside time to run your piece in performance mode.  Frame your piece with silence. This will provide clarity for your listeners.  As in a true performance, do not allow yourself to stop to fix things or even rearticulate a note that didn’t come out quite right.  You will soon develop the ability to present the music as an artistic whole.  Make mental notes of elements you would like to alter, but stay with the performance.  In this stage of preparation one of the main goals is to communicate with the audience.  Project your sound (as well as all of your musical ideas) to the back of the room.  Record your performance for immediate feedback.  Make sure the interpretive elements you hear in your head are ACTUALLY coming out of your...

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