Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: John Clydengwerson

Manuel Ponce's "Variations sur Folia de Espana et Fugue": A study of compositional procedures and Ponce's use of the folia theme

This study is an analysis of Variations sur Folia de Espana et Fugue by Manuel M. Ponce. It examines his manipulation of the folia theme and the compositional procedures he uses to create unity, variety, and interest through the course of twenty variations and a fugue. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between each variation and the theme in terms of structure, melody, harmony, rhythm, and phrasing. In addition, Ponce's use of proportional phrase lengths and note groupings as unifying structural elements are discussed. Musical characteristics of the folia theme are described and its musical structure analyzed. The relationship between Ponce and Andres Segovia is discussed and excerpts from their correspondence which detail Segovia's involvement in the work's inception, editing, and publication are cited where...

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