Fretboard Harmony for University Study: Method and Historical Context
Fretboard harmony is essential in any thorough approach to the education of classical guitarists yet no effective method or materials for teaching a course in fretboard harmony is currently available. This dissertation aims to remedy this state of affairs by providing a method book intended for use in an upper-level undergraduate course.The design of the method book is informed by the study of historical documents and by the examination of recent theory and keyboard harmony texts. In Chapter I, materials from the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical guitar traditions are examined to assess the historical conception and use of the guitar as an harmonic instrument. These include Matteis’ The False Consonances of Music, Sor’s Méthode pour la guitare and Horetzky’s Preludes, Cadences and Modulations. Having established some historical context, the dissertation proceeds in Chapter II toexamine theory and keyboard harmony texts to determine if there is a consensus on the ordering of presentation of concepts. The type of exercises given and their deployment are also...
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