Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Richard Provost

Developing Awareness In Practice: An integrated approach to maximizing your practice sessions.

Over the many years that I have been teaching classical guitar, there have been numerous articles written about improving practice skills. Many of these articles used words such as “concentration “focus,” and coined phrases such as Aaron Shearer’s “Aim Directed Motion.” Although all of these share a common goal: to improve technique, these terms imply to the reader, performer, or student a sense that whatever difficulties they are having is a result of not doing something or not doing enough of...

Los enlaces publicados en La Biblioteca de la Guitarra solo tienen un fin educativo y de difusión, no comercial. Si algún compositor, intérprete o empresa, por cualquier motivo, considera que un archivo que aparece en este canal vulnera los derechos de autor, infórmenos y se eliminará.

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