Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Panagiotis Poulopoulos

New Voices in Old Bodies: A Study of ‘Recycled’ Musical Instruments with a Focus on the Hahn Collection in the Deutsches Museum

Due to their complex character as functioning artefacts that are made to be played rather than to be looked at, musical instruments have frequently been susceptible to various forms of ‘recycling’. These ‘recycling’ transformations are particularly evident on historic stringed instruments, many of which have been constantly modified over the years, first to adapt to changing tastes and new demands, second to keep up with the latest technical and musical developments, or third to fulfil their role as display objects in private and public collections. This process of ‘recycling’, which reached a peak in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when most significant musical instrument collections were formed in Europe and North America, inevitably led to the distortion or loss of original features of numerous historic instruments, thus raising several issues of authenticity. On the other hand, such transformations are of great interest for both scholars and the wider public as they can reveal noteworthy details about the history of these instruments and how they were valued and treated by their different owners and users through...

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