Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909)

Recuerdos de viaje Op. 71, Rumores de la Caleta (Tavi Jinariu, guitarra)

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Classical guitarist, Tavi Jinariu, performs Rumores de la Caleta by Isaac Albeniz on a Cordoba Rodriguez model from the Master series.
Of all the guitars in the Master Series, the Rodriguez is the most powerful across all registers. Notably "Spanish" in sound, the tone is warm, lush, and round, with bouncing basses and fat, singing trebles. It offers an instant responsiveness and a big, explosive attack at the beginning of every note. This guitar is handmade in the USA.

Video Production & Editing: Kai Narezo
Location: Cordoba Guitars HQ in Santa Monica, CA

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Tavi Jinariu is playing a Cordoba Rodriguez model from the Master Series. The song is Rumores

Contact: http://www.cordobaguitars.c...
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Instagram: @cordobaguitars



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