Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Adam Falckenhagen (1697-1754)

Concierto in Sol menor para flauta, laúd y continuo

 4 0



Tempo de minueto




Ensemble Galanterie Rehearsing "An Evening With Wilhelmine"

John Schneiderman ~ baroque lute
Jeffrey Cohan ~ baroque flute
William Skeen ~ baroque cello

Frederick the Great's sister Wilhelmine was instrumental in transforming Bayreuth into a great center of culture, where she employed Adam Falckenhagen, who wrote exquisite Concerti for obbligato baroque lute, baroque flute and cello. Wilhelmine played lute and her husband was a flutist, as was his brother-in-law Frederick the Great, who was surely familiar with these concerti for three instruments.



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