Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

BWV 997, "Double" (

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 2 0
Level: 7, Upper-Advanced
License Information: Arrangement Copyright © 2012 Emre Sabuncuoglu. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
Lesson Program: LAGA Classical*
Sheet Music: Purchase standalone sheet music through LAGA Publishing at

*LA Guitar Academy's comprehensive online classical guitar program, LAGA Classical, can gradually take you to a level at which you will be able to play this piece and other advanced-level repertoire. Access over 800, systematically designed, instructional close-up clips and sheet music for specific levels. Get started right now by enrolling in a full subscription or signing up for a free, no-obligation, three-day trial here:

Contrasted with the Double, the Gigue seems almost stately by comparison. For people in the Baroque Era, however, the Gigue was about as footloose as a dance could get.

Bach, however, could not resist. He upped the ante for the musicians. Though the feet of his Baroque fans probably could not keep up the pace, they must have watched the lutenist from the sidelines with fascination as his fingers moved across the fingerboard at blinding speed, navigating the lavish embellishments and ornamental notes with seeming ease.

Today's rock guitar soloists, even with their blinding speed and improvisational excellence, pale in comparison to the legerdemain required of the guitarist who would master these pieces from the hand of the master himself, Johann Sebastian Bach. Both the Gigue and the Double are available in Los Angeles Guitar Academy's classical guitar curriculum.

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