Sonata K322 / L483 (Smaro Gregoriadou, guitarra "9 tonos sobreafinada")
Sonata L483 by Domenico Scarlatti transcribed and interpreted by Smaro Gregoriadou live in concert. The work is played on a high-pitched pedal guitar with scalloped frets and movable back, tuned 9 semitones higher than ordinary and it is also included in the recently issued cd "Smaro Gregoriadou reinventing guitar!" released by DELOS INTERNATIONAL. It features Kertsopoulos Aesthetics ( ), an internationally acclaimed platform of original inventions in the fields of classical guitar construction, history and tradition. It is engaged to revive older sounds and forms of guitar and strings, as well as tuning practices of early instruments, using totally novel, prototype, original materials and technologies conceived by George Kertsopoulos. Being the official representative of Kertsopoulos Aesthetics worldwide, Smaro Gregoriadou is engaged to "reinvent", ie redefine the sound and technique of the classical guitar, enhancing the instrument's repertory -new or old, original or transcribed- with a new life and meaning. This yields her personal interpretative, stylistic and aesthetic perspective, a novel proposal for every different historic era or composer. Live in Greece. Smaro Gregoriadou: reinventing...
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