Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Mimmo Peruffo

The lute in its historical reality

The present work is the synthesis of a research (we might call it historical-archaeological) that began inthe 1980s. A synthesis we still have to consider as provisional, since liable to be expanded or modified after
possible new discoveries or further reasonings on the subject of stringing the Lute in its several historical seasons.

For each historical period of the Lute I listed the diverse, concomitant historical evidence I have knowledge of (both treatises, and of a technological, epistolary, iconographical nature) dealing with strings, to which are added mathematical verification and experimental tests (every hypothesis must also work in practice in order to be accepted as plausible). The conclusive hypothesis, as...

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