Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Stephen Sedgwick

Torres 11 String Copy

This instrument today is considered to be a nylon or classical harp guitar because it has a number of strings that are not on the fingerboard. I made this copy of the Torres SE83 back in 1999, although I chose to use different woods. I used the measurements in José L Romanillos' book 'Antonio de Torres, Guitar Maker, His Life and Work'. It is a beautiful sounding instrument. The tuning of this instrument I found in a book was C, F, D, G, B, E, A, d, g, b, e. I would suggest finding your own tuning. The four strings that lay off the fingerboard can be plucked by the left thumb. A copy of this instrument would costs £2750 with a Cedar neck, Indian Rosewood back and sides, a European spruce soundboard and French polished. Please inquire for alternative woods and...

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