This article was originally written in 1996. It has been updated during the following times: May 1999, May 2000, February 2001, May 2001, August 2011. Please do not copy this article to a web page; please set up a link instead to ensure that all changes will be updated.
The original title of this article was "Sitting and Proper Positioning with the Guitar". It is now entitled "Sitting with the Guitar". I came to realize that in my own attempts to combat dogmatic approaches -hooded under the veil of freethinking as they might be- I had done my own aims a disservice by using the word "proper". Over the years, I have received many positive remarks about this article. I suppose that the negative comments never made their way to my email box. I have, however, received -especially when this site first arose- remarks typical of people for whom the word of this or that "pedagogue" was scripture. Of course, these people fall over like dominoes...
Los enlaces publicados en La Biblioteca de la Guitarra solo tienen un fin educativo y de difusión, no comercial. Si algún compositor, intérprete o empresa, por cualquier motivo, considera que un archivo que aparece en este canal vulnera los derechos de autor, infórmenos y se eliminará.