Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Biblioteca de la Guitarra y Cuerda Pulsada

Autor: Matthew Clayton Palmer

The Use of A-M-I Scale Technique to Facilitate the Performance of Joaquín Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez

The abundance of scale passages found in Joaquín Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra tests the stamina and swiftness of even the most capable guitarists. A relatively new technique of using three fingers of the right hand, known as A-M-I, to articulate fast scales provides an alternative means of effectively mastering Rodrigo's masterpiece. A-M-I scale technique is a fast and effective way to play scales on the classical guitar. In various forms, this three-finger right-hand system of fingering scales has been used effectively by a small group of classical guitarists since being pioneered by Narciso Yepes in the mid-twentieth century. The current approach to A-M-I scale technique requires specific fingering systems to effectively coordinate and synchronize the left and right hands, making it a distinct technique demanding thorough consideration and deliberate study. The increased right-hand velocity and greater efficiency inherent in A-M-I technique can greatly enhance the performance of Joaquín Rodrigo's virtuosic Concierto de...

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